Thank you for visiting the City of London, Ky., website. There are certain things you should understand when using this site:
Information is for the convenience of the user, and is not generally an official record of the city. Unless specifically noted, the information on this website is not official. It is provided as a service to people needing information about the City of London, Ky., government and some of the city’s activities. Policies, regulations, ordinances and discussions about practices and procedures of the City are published as a convenience to users. Although every effort is made to ensure their accuracy when placed on this website, the only official information must be provided by the offices and departments of the City. For example, only the records of ordinances and other records of the City Council maintained by the city clerk are official records of those things. The City of London, Ky., assumes no liability for any inaccuracies that the website may contain.
Not official notice. Communications sent via the Internet or through this website shall in no way be deemed to constitute legal notice to the City of London, Ky., or any of its officers, agents or employees, where notice to the city is required by any law, rule, regulation or contract.